
Compensation Committee

The Company’s Compensation Committee was set up in June 2019. The Compensation Committee shall faithfully carry out the following duties and submit any proposals to Board of Directors meeting for discussions.

• Periodically review these procedures and propose any amendments.
• Set and regularly review annual and long-term performance goals and salary compensation policies, systems, standards and structure of the Company’s directors, supervisors, and managers.
• Assess the performance objectives of the Company’s directors, supervisors and managers on a regular basis to determine the items and amount of compensation for them.


The Committee shall perform the duties under the preceding paragraph in accordance with the following principles:

1. Ensuring that the compensation arrangements of this Corporation comply with applicable laws and regulations and are sufficient to recruit outstanding talent.

2. Performance assessments and compensation levels of directors, supervisors, and managerial officers shall take into account the general pay levels in the industry, individual performance assessment results, the time spent by the individual and their responsibilities, the extent of goal achievement, their performance in other positions, and the compensation paid to employees holding equivalent positions in recent years. Also to be evaluated are the reasonableness of the correlation between the individual’s performance and this Corporation’s operational performance and future risk exposure, with respect to the achievement of short-term and long-term business goals and the financial position of this Corporation.

3. There shall be no incentive for the directors or managerial officers to pursue compensation by engaging in activities that exceed the tolerable risk level of this Corporation.

4. For directors and senior managerial officers, the percentage of remuneration to be distributed based on their short-term performance and the time for payment of any variable compensation shall be decided with regard to the characteristics of the industry and the nature of this Corporation’s business.

5. No member of the Committee may participate in discussion and voting when the Committee is deciding on that member’s individual compensation.

Members of the Remuneration Committee:

Independent DirectorSiou-Ming HuangConvener
Independent DirectorJiang-Long Guo 
Independent DirectorMei-Chi Chen